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​The Crones

We, apparently, had the power to enable people to purge themselves of their past's misgivings.

So for an audience member to be able to experience this 'mystical phenomenon', the curing by Mother Nature herself (facilitated by the two sheltering witches), they had to have an entire symbol;
...the triple Goddess' symbol, the symbol of a waxing, a full and a  waning moon.
This represented all aspects of the Maiden and the Mother (previously experienced so far through their journey) and then the Crone.

We forbade many passers by, for they hadn't completed their journey and thus could not be admitted without the completed symbol on their forearm.

Slowly, 'allowed' audience members started to trickle in with the rain. Victoria, the first Crone, asked for three things:

-A piece of their body, nails or hair or blood or spit.
-A story of a mistake, something they want to be forgiven for.
-An the act of drinking a magic potion, a mixture of their past, their present and their future's outcomes.

Myself, the second Crone performed the transition, drinking, ingesting and smothering myself with their sin. I yelled and screamed. I was pulled from left to right by Nature's calling. I squealed in pain, I conjured Mother Nature's forgiveness.

They were purged. They shared something private, their long-hidden secret with us and we heard, we listened with their regret and their hatred.
However, we were able to forgive them for their inhumanity or 'crime'.
Now they are able to forgive themselves.

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