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The “seat” of sensation.

The sum of an organism’s perception.

Experiencing and interpreting the environments which surround it.

A clarity.

An affect, an emotion, a mood.

I did touch them, in all the right places. I breathed heavily on their necks, watching the hairs on the back of their necks rising... one by one, shuddering. I hear screams and laughs – exactly what I want.

Should this interchange be a social convention? Are you a civilised human being?

On hindsight, I wish I had popped something into your mouth, a ripened berry perhaps...

Could you smell me? I could certainly smell you; your hair, your skin, your sweat and your breath... I’d like to have more time with you...

Goodbye. It has been emotional. You were touched.

Don’t look back.

The Sensorium Corridor

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